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Empowering Nature

This brilliant, originally three-person team, working in the research and development unit of the Carlsberg Group based in Copenhagen, found a way to develop trait libraries for seeds and microbial strains. Having done this, they could easily pull out and isolate any specific trait, whether seed or microbe, needed to withstand the challenges set by any customers.

To offer these libraries to potential industry partners, the team needed to showcase their amazing bio-science breakthrough. It is well-known that the scientific community and marketing people do not easily understand one another. So, before we could help, we needed to spend time with the team to fully understand what they had developed and whom they saw as the type of customer they wanted to attract. The work sessions were long and enjoyable. Not only because we were having a privileged bio-science master class but, more importantly, that the three 'Traitomians' were, for the first time, fully aligned with one another. The sessions were an eye-opener for all. Over a period of months, we collaborated closely with the team to create a story for the newly formed company. The basis for all their communications.

Developing the Traitomic website and the team’s pitch deck added more challenges. How could the story and offer of this breakthrough be diced and structured for potential customers to follow but simultaneously for the scientific community to endorse as credible and worthy?

We broke down their process and offer into parts, adding diagrams and illustrations where necessary. Adding naming and structure to their process, making it more logical and easier to follow. Suddenly, their once incomprehensible story had become clear without losing its wonder.

The company now boasts 50 people and has started attracting a wide range of diverse customers from all industries globally.

Giving great science a voice.

More background: TRAITOMIC's amazing innovation and work are proudly 100% EU-compliant.
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